Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Evansville Farmers Market - 2013!

Evansville Farmers Market

Welcome to the Evansville Farmers Market 2013!!!
"Is it Spring yet?" asks Lola, Shetland Sheep Ewe
from R&B Acres, Oregon, Wis.

Hi All!!

Renée Frank, Co-Manager of the Evansville Farmers Market 2013, here with a preview of what you might find at the Evansville Farmers Market 2013.  We have many special events planned for our markets and look forward to seeing your bright smiling faces every Saturday morning, May 4 - October 26, 2013, from 9 am to 1 pm.

Mid-April in Wisconsin
and still snow on the ground!
Unfortunately, this spring has not been nearly as nice as 2012, thus our produce vendors are struggling to have ripe produce at the market for you.  We hope the asparagus and rhubarb and maybe, baby spinach will be large enough to harvest and be available opening weekend.  If not, there will still be eggs, frozen, locally raised chicken, honey, arts and crafts for the taking.

Empty field waiting for warmth.

Opening weekend, we are hosting a Cinco de Mayo Celebration and have invited area Spanish students and their families to join us to share a bit of their heritage with the community.  If you know of someone who was or is connected with agriculture in the Latino community, PLEASE have them contact us so that we can set aside a space for them to share their knowledge and expand our minds a little!

Creekside Place Community Center
We are located on Church Street, directly adjacent to Creekside Place Community Center, 102 Maple Street, Evansville, Wisconsin.  The entire street is closed to traffic and devoted to the market and our special events.  Our ongoing quest to make this market relevant to the Evansville community means attracting vendors, of all sizes, shapes and colors, as well as provide ongoing education and outreach opportunities for various non-profit organizations in the area.

In our efforts to build community connections, we have teamed up with the Rock Hour Community Time Bank for many of our volunteer needs.  These range from helping with the Kid's Arts and Craft's table, putting up street signs, posting fliers, changing the table tents in area businesses, special event coordinators and more.  If you have a bit of time you would like to devote to the EFM, please sign up here.  Make sure you let your boss know too, as many business will give you credit for community volunteer work!
If I can't have Spring outside,
I will have it inside with variegated cat grass!

If you are interested in becoming a vendor at the EFM 2013, please go to www.evansvillefarmersmarket.com/ to find our vendor application as well as our rules and regulations.

Is it time to plant yet?

You can contact us through info@evansvillefarmersmarket.com if you need further assistance.  Check out our facebook page for up-to-date information, links and special notices related to the Evansville Farmers Market.

Thanks for reading,
(Stop in at the EFM Information Table, sign our guest book mentioning this blog and receive a special gift!)
Bottle Babies! Late April Shetland ram lambs

Renée Frank,
Co-Manager of the Evansville Farmers Market

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